Seamless World
- I’m here -
This series consists of portraits of the self where I have attempted a unified interpretation of Materialism and Spiritualism within our seamless world. In this work I endeavor to consolidate Materialism, the quantum events of reality which are fixed upon observation, and Spiritualism, the activities of the spirit relative to the Other, induced upon determination of intent by the self.
In art, one’s ideas and intuitions are points of movement. The act of painting is also the manifestation of a linear construction of theory. As points become lines, and countless lines weave atop each other, the world extends out seamlessly as a plane.
In the creation of this series I kept three guiding concepts in mind at all times. First: the world is seamless. I am here, as me. But how many cells, the units that constitute my self, must come together to make me? We experience ourselves as an outer shell from our physical sensations or ideological point of view, but in truth all things are connected seamlessly. Are the cells of our epidermis, our outer shell, and the external world truly closed off completely from one another? The answer is no.
You, I, and all other things come together to form this world called Earth.The piece and the whole. The whole becomes a piece anew, one part to weave another. I am here upon a planet called Earth, and there are any number of worlds yet again within me. An everlasting world stretches out within each and every unit of existence, no one unit at the center. Great galaxies are but singles points within space, and all extends into infinity. Surely, we cannot understand anything of the full truth of this world by any ruler of human measure. Any unit we can conceive of is nothing more than a physical sensation.